
“Certainly, it is from experiencing this generosity of God and the generosity of those in our life that we learn gratitude and to be generous to others.”
A gift to the Christian Outreach for Africa helps support our mission to create opportunity for the people of Africa. All donations to COFA are tax deductible.
You can make a general donation that allows COFA to use your donation where it is needed most or contribute to one of our special endowment drives.
Donations can be made using a credit card, Google Pay, PayPal, or Venmo. You can also make a bank transfer. Note that while the bank transfer service Plaid requests bank log-in information in order to process a bank transfer, COFA does not have access to that information.
Your general donations allow COFA to use your funds to provide services where it is needed most.
See our Orphan Care page for information on our Orphan Care Campaign.
See our Education page for information on our Student Scholarship Campaign.
If you wish to donate using a check, please send it to:
Christian Outreach for Africa
111 W. Olive Street
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
COFA Legacy Giving Program
Would you like to include COFA in your estate plan? Our legacy giving program can give you advice on how to make COFA a beneficiary of your will, insurance proceeds or retirement plan. We can even provide professional assistance to develop a gift plan as part of your estate planning.